
As a student, you will support your lecturers in implementing the accident prevention and health protection provisions.
You will follow the approved safety rules and instructions of the lecturer in relation to occupational safety and health protection.

ETH Zurich is an open university. Consequently, we set great store by the personal responsibility of its students and staff. Look after ETH Zurich property and your own personal belongings.  

In the event of a theft, we count on you to inform us swiftly:

  • This may increase the chances of recovering your valuables.
  • Thanks to your report, we find out where and when thefts take place. This is the only way we can take counter-?measures. You and your colleagues stand to benefit!
  • New tricks on the part of thieves come to light.
  • If ETH Zurich material is stolen, you may have to share the cost for a replacement. The claim settlement takes place via the Financial Services department.

If ETH Zurich property is stolen from you, please inform us as soon as you realise it by completing the Downloadform. (PDF, 1.6 MB)

  • If your mobile phone has been stolen, have your SIM card blocked immediately. When filing a report, it is insufficient to merely enter your mobile telephone number. It requires additional information to clarify the ownership of the mobile phone. You must state the serial number or IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identifier). You can find this number by entering the code *#06# on every mobile phone.
  • For objects, especially electronic consumer goods like mobile phones, tablets, etc. the police requires the serial number, a receipt, etc. to make a clear identification of an object that has been found.

Personal financial loss is not covered by ETH Zurich. If such an incident is reported, SSHE will not report it to the police. This must be done by the victim him or herself. Nevertheless, it is important to report the incident to us so that SSHE can take appropriate preventive measures if necessary.

If private property is stolen, please send us the completed Downloadform (PDF, 190 KB).

  • If your wallet has been stolen, contact your bank immediately to block your bank and credit cards. For other cards, such as IDs or public transport cards, also contact the relevant offices forthwith.
  • If your mobile phone has been stolen, have your SIM card blocked immediately. When filing a report, it is insufficient to merely enter your mobile telephone number. It requires additional information to clarify the ownership of the mobile phone. You must state the serial number or IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identifier). You can find this number by entering the code *#06# on every mobile phone.
  • For objects, especially electronic consumer goods like mobile phones, tablets, etc. the police requires the serial number, a receipt, etc. to make a clear identification of an object that has been found.
  • Do not leave valuables like electronic devices, personal items or building and cabinet keys unattended. A few seconds can be enough to steal your goods. Use lockers or cabinets and always lock your office or laboratory when you are the last person to leave.
  • Secure electronic devices using a cable lock (e. g. Kensington, Maxxtro). These are available at the ETH Store.
  • Keep PINs or passwords safe and separate from the bank card and your electronic device.
  • If your business credit card has been lost or stolen, you must contact the Viseca blocking center (24/7) immediately (Phone: +41 58 958 83 83) and let them block the card.
  • Make sure you keep petty cash in a lockable cabinet/drawer and limit the cash to the necessary minimum.
  • Secure your bike adequately (e.g. on a bike stand, railings, tree, etc.) and use a high-quality lock (bear in mind classifications, security level). There is also a Velo Box on the H?nggerberg campus to lock it in.


Building Access

  • Doors on the outside of the buildings must not be wedged open with wooden doorstops or suchlike.
  • Do not pass on your key to anyone else.
  • Do not leave keys in the lock.
  • Report lost keys or the loss of your ETH card immediately to the responsible office (see link below).
  • Do not let any unknown person into the building outside opening hours.


Suspicious Behavior

  • Approach strangers who behave suspiciously, are looking for something or someone or suddenly appear in your office. In case of danger, call the Emergency Desk.


ETH Zurich Keys & ETH Card

If you discover a burglary or traces of one, ideally proceed according to the following list.

  • Leave the room immediately and prevent anyone else from entering to avoid confounding or destroying evidence.
  • Inform the Emergency Desk and have them call the police. Do not use the telephone at the scene (to preserve and protect evidence).
  • Wait until the police arrives.
  • Use the DownloadTheft of and Damage to ETH Zurich Property Form (PDF, 1.6 MB) to report the incident. Also include the contact data of the police case officer.

If you discover vandalism (including graffiti), please report it immediately to the Emergency Desk.



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